96: Regulating The Cosmetics Industry; Influencing Better Beauty Policy | Lindsay Dahl, Beautycounter

Did you know that the cosmetics industry is one of the least regulated industries in America? We’re joined today by Lindsay Dahl, SVP of Social Mission at Beautycounter. Beautycounter is quite literally revolutionizing the clean beauty movement; they are actively demanding stricter regulations in their own industry. Beyond their cosmetics and skincare products, Beautycounter doesRead more

95: Art For Planet: How Murals Around The World Are Impacting The Climate Conversation | Pangeaseed Foundation

We’re talking about art, activism, and how environmental issues can be creatively tackled. Tre’ and Akira of Pangeaseed Foundation are joining us to discuss the crossroads of sustainability, education, ecology, and design. Pangeaseed Foundation has facilitated approximately 400 public art projects in 15 countries through a community-first approach. Artists become spokespeople and educators for localRead more

94: Why Is Sustainability Sometimes Stigmatized As “Feminine”? : Chic Chats

Perhaps our most thought-provoking call-in episode yet! We’re exploring today the social psych concept of environmentalism and green habits often being associated with femininity. Are you less “manly” if you’re carrying a reusable bag or opting for a fuel efficient vehicle? We’re hearing thorough breakdown from two environmentalist working through this issue in their ownRead more

93: What is Greenwashing? How To Spot Misleading Environmental Claims

It’s easy to be impressed by all the “sustainable” products entering stores, but it’s also easy to be tricked into believing deceitful eco-friendly labels. Today, we’re discuss greenwashing: a marketing tactic leading consumers to assume a company’s products are more environmentally sound than they truly are. This episode gives an overview of items currently inRead more

92: Sustainable Investing, Smarter Savings, Breaking Down ESG | Charity Driggs, Morningstar

We’re taking our conscious consumption one step further today! We’re speaking with Charity Driggs of Morningstar, an investment research firm. Charity is shedding light on lots of topics across the financial landscape for us individuals. Because we aim to be more eco-conscious in our daily lives, we should also start thinking more deeply about ourRead more

91: BP, Amazon, + Corporate Idealism; Careers with Impact; Social Responsibility as a Driving Economic Force | Christine Bader

This episode is such a treat! Christine Bader is the author of The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: Girl Meets Oil. In her book, she recounts her experiences working for BP on social impact on major projects around the world. Christine was working in corporate social responsibility (CSR) before it was truly a dedicated concernRead more

90: How To Shop for High-End + Luxury Pieces Secondhand, Designer Resale, Making Money from Vintage Finds | Meredith Fineman, It Never Gets Old

Shopping secondhand can be a treasure hunt… and luxury secondhand is a whole new ballgame. We’re chatting today with Meredith Fineman, host of It Never Gets Old: A Firsthand Account of All Things Secondhand. Meredith is sharing tips on how to begin finding designer pieces for a fraction of their retail prices. We’re talking aboutRead more

89: How Climate Change Affects Natural Disasters, Why The Australian Fires Are So Bad, Hurricanes Impacting Bahamian Islands

The Australian Fires are unprecedented in their size, destruction, and duration. The staggering number of lost lives, homes, and wildlife is heartbreaking. We’re all wondering: is this happening because of climate change? We’re exploring today how and why climate change exacerbates natural hazards. First, we’re clarifying the difference between weather and climate, and then gettingRead more

88: Careers for Climate, Environmentalism at Work: Chic Chats

This call-in episode is overflowing with career inspo! We’re speaking with six women today about their professional dedication to environmental work at climate change, all in different fields and different organizational levels. Across five conversations, we’re hearing from: Sophia in research with NASA Develop; Ariel in corporate sustainability with MacMillan Publishing; Hannah and Lacie inRead more

87: Why We Should Eat Lower In The Food Chain: Bioaccumulation + Biomagnification

We know plant-based diets require less resources and encourage nutrient diversity. But did we realize that a plant-based diet also helps us lessen the amount of toxins, chemicals, and other grossness that enters our lives? We’re introducing today the concepts of bioaccumulation and biomagnification: how toxins build up in organisms and move up the foodRead more