77: Plastic: What’s The Big Deal?

Plastic isn’t inherently “bad”… but what we’re doing with it definitely is! We’re talking today about where plastic comes from and how it ends up in your drinking water (and food!). Is recycling a good option? What’s wrong with those “eco” plastic water bottles? Plus, we’re touching on the environmental and health impacts of Styrofoam.Read more

76: E-Scooter Share Programs: Friend or Foe?

Scooters are popping up on streets across the world… big cities, campuses, and coming to just about everywhere in between. E-scooter share programs are selling the idea of the “last mile ride,” but we’re breaking down why they’re not quite living up to that promise. On this episode, we’re talking about policy concerns, emissions, butRead more

75: When A Fast Fashion Brand Steals From A Creator; Sustainable Swimwear; Quality Over Quantity | JetSet Christina, Watercolors Swim

We are diving deep today with Christina Vidal of JetSet Christina + Watercolors Swim! She’s explaining the intricate process of creating a swimwear line, and how a smaller fashion brand really operates. We also discuss the true meaning of “sustainability” in the fashion industry. Plus, Christina shares her experience of having fast fashion giant, Zara,Read more

74: Eating Locally, Regenerative Agriculture, + Empowerment Through Food | Local Roots NYC

The local food movement is gaining popularity, and we’re here for it! We’re chatting today with Wen-Jay Ying of Local Roots NYC, a CSA in New York City. We’re discussing how regenerative agriculture supports our long-term ability to farm (and why the time is now to make a change!). Plus, we learn the value ofRead more

Amazon Rainforest Fires, Climate Change: Everything You Need to Know

The Amazon Rainforest has been burning for three weeks largely due to deforestation for cattle ranching. This episode is a special report on the current situation: how the fires began, why this emergency will accelerate climate change, + what you can do. We are explaining deforestation, carbon sinks, and current climate science predictions for globalRead more

73: Am I Truly Eco Chic?

Honesty hour: I sometimes struggle my to balance my environmental lifestyle + “regular” millennial culture. Today, I’m sharing a couple of tidbits from my life + internal conflicts around vegan leather handbags, introducing myself as an environmentalist, and when bringing your own metal straw is nonnegotiable. This episode is the first of a few moreRead more

72: The Value of Immersive Environmental Education | CJ Casey + The Green Program

Tis the season for education, career shifts, and even back-to-school fever for those of us out in the workplace. Today, we’re speaking about the value of short-term, immersive experiences to build on your environmental education. Whether you are looking to dive deeper into your passions or learn about a totally new topic, there is plentyRead more

71: How to Recycle Almost Anything

Recycling incorrectly can be just as harmful as not recycling at all! However, recycling properly can be challenging based on where you live or what you’re disposing of. While every area may have different regulations around their specific acceptable items, we’re discussing things you should always recycle, plus programs for your hard-to-recycle items, like contactRead more

70: Sustainability Abroad + Cultural Barriers to Environmentalism: Chic Chats

Our second Chic Chats call-in episode! Today, we’re speaking with four women about their experiences with environmental lifestyles around the world: Celine from Germany, Lynn in South Korea, Marley in Uganda, and Jainan in China. We’re discussing national policies and location-specific challenges, plus coming to terms with things like family and social norms. Pollution, food,Read more

69: What is the Carbon Budget?

We’re breaking down the elusive “carbon budget” – what is really means, and what it will take to keep our planet within reasonable levels of warming. Between the promise of shiny technologies and human habits, we’re talking about limiting emissions with the current reality of a climate crisis. Connect with me @ecochicpodcast + @lauraediez onRead more