9: The Compost Convo

Let’s talk compost! This week, we’re getting in to why composting matters + how easy peasy it is to offset your environmental footprint. If you want to chat more, DM me on instagram (@lauraediez), my site (lauraediez.com) or email me (laura@lauraediez.com). We can also be Facebook friends! References Here is any easy walk-through of settingRead more

8: The Deal With Microplastics

Let’s talk about microplastics! What are they? Why are they harmful? What can we do about them? As always I’d love to chat about science/sustainability/anything under the sun; send me an Instagram DM (@lauraediez, easiest for me!) or an email via my contact page!  References: This is a great PDF handout by NOAA on micro plasticsRead more

7: Travel Smarter

Travel season is upon us! Let’s talk about making our vacation choices a little more sustainable – how we’re getting there, what we’re supporting, and how we are planning to maintain our eco-friendly habits outside of our homes. If you want to chat about science/sustainability/anything under the sun, send me an Instagram DM (@lauraediez, easiestRead more

The Case For Nuclear

Climate change is arguably the largest threat to the American economy and way of life. To maintain and protect both our planet and our lifestyles, the United States must be moving towards carbon-neutral energy sources. While two-thirds American public is actively advocating for cleaner energy sources, government incentives are seemingly disregarding nuclear power[i].

6: All About Energy

We are breaking down all the basics – renewable energy sources, non-renewable energy, the grid, and what we’re looking forward to when it comes to how we get our electricity. If you want to chat about science/sustainability/topic suggestions, send me an Instagram DM (easiest for me) or an email via my contact page!  References: Non-renewables:Read more

5: Conscious Coffee

Breaking down all the ways you can rethink how sustainable your coffee habits are. We’re getting into the labels on coffee beans, the ethical points, and the financial pros to sustainable habits. If you want to chat about science/sustainability/topic suggestions, send me an Instagram DM (easiest for me) or an email via my contact page! Read more

4: Party Responsibly

Party Tips for the eco-concious! Whether you’re hosting, attending, or just passing by, there is always a way to make your events a little more sustainable. If you have any questions/suggestions/etc, shoot me an Instagram DM or an email via my contact page!  Resources: Check out these photos + this site for some creative jello shotRead more

3: What’s The Beef?

Everything you ever (and never) wanted to know about animal agriculture. We’re discussing animal products and their impacts on the environment, your physical and mental health, and how you can slowly begin to improve your impact. For more info, check out: http://lauraediez.com/ If you have any questions/suggestions/etc, send me an Instagram DM (easiest for me)Read more