55: Eco-Conscious Beef: How Animal Agriculture Can Be Done Sustainably | Diablo Trust

It can be easy to preach against animal products when promoting an environmental lifestyle – but that definitely doesn’t work for everyone! I’m excited for us to be diving deep into the world of animal agriculture, cattle ranching, and climate change today with Megan of the Diablo Trust, a collaborative group of ranchers, advocacy groups,Read more

54: Environmentalism is Elitist; Plastic is Political

Last week, AOC reminded us that “climate change is not an elitist issue,” … but perhaps environmental lifestyle choices inherently are. We’re touching upon the social factors that influence your ability (or inability!) to make lower-waste, more eco-concious choices. We’re breaking down how your neighborhood and socioeconomic status influence your environmental footprint, but then takingRead more

53: Does “Organic” Matter?

Let’s break down a cool little intersection of environment + health: organic produce. Today, we’ll discuss what organic certification truly means, the agricultural implications, and even some benefits of conventionally grown fruits and veggies. We’re also introducing the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list, to help us all be more savvy shoppers. Let’s connect onRead more

52: Should We Really Be Boycotting Palm Oil?

Palm oil: one of the biggest things the internet is telling you to give up if you care about the planet. Today, we are breaking down the situation a little further – let’s talk about how palm oil is harvested, who is being hurt, how it’s effecting our global greenhouse gas emissions… but let’s alsoRead more

51: Art Imitates Life: Environmental Influences and Messages | Dana Rodriguez

Art, the environment, and eco-conscious messages you may not even realize you’re being sent! My great friend Dana Rodriguez is joining us today to talk about art: creating it, buying it, and what how it’s influencing the masses. We’re getting into materials, discussing specific artists famous for their work, and the impact of social mediaRead more

50: What The Frack: Natural Gas, Renewables, + Your Power in Energy | Christina Lizzo

Energy: where does it come from + why should you care? We’re sitting down with my great friend, Christina Lizzo, to discuss how we extract natural gas, and some drawbacks of renewable energy alternatives. We’re also touching on the subjects of geopolitics, political awareness, and where different people fit into shifting our larger energy systems.Read more

49: How To Shop Package Free

Reducing your packaging is arguably one of the easiest ways to start lessening your environmental footprint! Let’s talk today about one of your most frequent plastic-ridden purchases: groceries. We’re sharing tips on how to prepare for your grocery trip, what to do at the store, and how to store things once you get home. Package-freeRead more

48: Have More (Sustainable) Sex

Where do condoms come from? What even is lube? Today, we’re breaking down the environmental impacts of our basic sexual wellness products! Let’s discuss the sustainability (and health!) of our bedroom choices: condoms, personal lubricant, vibrators, and a bit more. We’re also sharing lots of brands you may want to switch to, and how theseRead more

46: 10 Foods to Stop Buying + Start Making With Your Kitchen Scraps

Happy Thursday! We have a quick episode today all about ten easy things that you can totally start making on your own with your food scraps. Even if you’re not able to compost, you can definitely start to reduce your kitchen waste by rethinking what you’re purchasing, and how you can make some things onRead more

45: Cotton: Is Organic Clothing Really Eco-Friendly?

If you’ve ever wondered if purchasing an organic cotton t-shirt is actually better than purchasing a conventional one … you’re not alone. Today we’re discussing the environmental considerations surrounding your cotton clothing: crop yields, irrigation, transportation, and even laundry while you own it. Our end-of-ep tidbit this week revolves around a somewhat laughable personal experience,Read more