43: Your Guide To Becoming A Zero Waste, Vegan Home Cook | Jessie Stokes, Tiny Yellow Bungalow

Cheers to our first Thursday episode! We’re talking today with Jessie Stokes, author of the Zero Waste Vegan Cookbook! Let’s break down how zero waste and low impact living can look different for everyone, and the benefits of plant-based meals, even just a couple of times per week. Jessie is giving tips on how toRead more

42: Breaking Down Beer: Water, Barrels, and Everything Else That Goes Into Your Favorite Pint | Wanderlust Brewing

We are sitting down today with Nathan Friedman of Wanderlust Brewing Company in Flagstaff, AZ, breaking down the environmental and logistical variables that go into the brewing process. Nathan is discussing the everything that goes into your go-to beer: the water usage, the malting process, ingredient sourcing, bacteria and yeast … really SO much knowledgeRead more

35: How To Talk To Climate Change Deniers

On this (slightly sassy) episode, I am hitting you with the three most common arguments of people who deny climate change, and how you can intelligently rebuttal. The holiday season might prompt some of these conversations with family, and it’s a lot easier to keep your cool when you’re armed with easy facts to disproveRead more

25: Straws vs. Fishing Nets: The Real Deal

The argument against straw-free movements has been circulating the internet… today we’re addressing the real deal when it comes to commercial fishing debris! Yes, a lot of our marine plastic is from fishing nets – but that doesn’t mean we should ignore efforts to eliminate plastic straws. We’re getting into the issues with both sidesRead more

19: Smart, Chic CBD: Leila Mafoud, The Green Witch

At the intersection of wellness and sustainability, we find The Green Witch: super sustainable, beautiful CBD products based out of New York City. Leila, the founder of The Green Witch, is speaking with us today on the what CBD is, why organic practices are important, and how we can all be a little more eco-consciousRead more

7: Travel Smarter

Travel season is upon us! Let’s talk about making our vacation choices a little more sustainable – how we’re getting there, what we’re supporting, and how we are planning to maintain our eco-friendly habits outside of our homes. If you want to chat about science/sustainability/anything under the sun, send me an Instagram DM (@lauraediez, easiestRead more

4: Party Responsibly

Party Tips for the eco-concious! Whether you’re hosting, attending, or just passing by, there is always a way to make your events a little more sustainable. If you have any questions/suggestions/etc, shoot me an Instagram DM or an email via my contact page!  Resources: Check out these photos + this site for some creative jello shotRead more

3: What’s The Beef?

Everything you ever (and never) wanted to know about animal agriculture. We’re discussing animal products and their impacts on the environment, your physical and mental health, and how you can slowly begin to improve your impact. For more info, check out: http://lauraediez.com/ If you have any questions/suggestions/etc, send me an Instagram DM (easiest for me)Read more

2: Talkin’ Trash

All the basics surrounding the environmental impacts of municipal solid waste, the Zero Waste movement, and how to begin reducing your impacts. For resources + more, check out: http://lauraediez.com/ Listen here: Resources: I wrote this post when I first became serious about moving towards a lower-waste lifestyle. There are lots of resources at the bottomRead more